Breintje's avatar
6 jaar geleden

You are more than welcome. I’m so happy to read that you’ve made your peace and are now blessed with a precious rainbow son?

Liamsmama's avatar
6 jaar geleden

What a sweet message Breintje! Thank you! It’s been a while now and I made my peace with it and am now a happy mama of our rainbow baby, Liam ? My story continues and I will share it here on mamaplaats. Thanks again for the sweet words! ❤️

Breintje's avatar
6 jaar geleden

Take all the time you need to grieve. People can be so harsh. There is absolutely nothing you could have done differently to prevent miscarrying, just remember that. I hope you’ll find strength, to live with your loss, and to deal with peoples comments (which they should really keep to themselves) and support from your loved ones.